At what age do you have to do a 3rd pillar?

The 3th pillar aims to save while taking advantage of advantageous taxation. The longer the horizon, the more money will work in your favor and the higher the income from taxation will be.

There is no age to start capitalizing and growing your capital acquired over time. Here are some solutions for different age groups.

The 3th Pillar from 0 to 18

Savings solutions, with or without death and/or disability coverage, exist for children of all ages. The type of 3th optimal pillar is the 3th Pillar B which acts like a traditional savings plan, but where the income generated is not taxed.

The first goal of the 3th pillar is to generate capital that will later serve as a springboard into working life. Whether it's to finance studies, a language trip or even create your first savings, putting money aside has only positive points.

Indeed, experience shows us that the savings reflex does not come from the income or wealth of parents but from the education that parents give to their children. In addition to this educational aspect, the idea of generating capital over time allows the realization of large projects rather than small expenses.

The 3th Pillar from 18 to 55

The age group where the ability to save is the strongest. The vast majority of people take advantage of their active phase to put aside money while saving on taxes.

The solutions of 3th Pillar A are therefore in high demand. You should know that for a maximum payment of CHF 7,258.- per year, the tax savings amount to an average of CHF 2,064.- per year and can even go up to CHF 3,000 per year for this type of 3th pillar.

If you're wondering when is the best time to start saving, the answer is simple: now. In fact, to reach a capital of CHF 100,000 at the age of 65 and with an average interest rate of 4%, you must put CHF 67.- per month at the age of 20, CHF 145.- per month at the age of 35 and CHF 407.- per month at age 50.

The 3th Pillar from 55 to 70

In addition to capitalization, it is still possible with the 3th Pillar A, tax-efficient solutions for investing savings are also possible.

The system in fact provides tax advantages to certain 3% single bonus pillar that meet certain criteria such as the duration, start and term of the solution.

These solutions are great when it comes to succession and also have bankruptcy protections.

The returns and guarantees of these solutions have evolved along with market interest rates, but very good, sporadic solutions are offered to investors.

The 3th Pillar of 70 years to life

It is no longer a period of capitalization but rather of divestment.

Solutions offering attractive returns and guarantees exist. Life annuities, known as life annuities, no longer have the same interest, but they can regain their effectiveness in combination with divestment plans or certain annuities.

Succession planning is becoming increasingly important and the right tool to protect your family needs to be chosen. Since tax deductions decrease drastically once professional life is over, it is important to have an annuity system that optimizes wealth and income taxes.

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The first site for information and comparison on the 3rd pillar, provides you with information and advice on pension provision in Switzerland. We advise you on the best ways to improve your retirement, optimize your taxation and choose the best solution among the various companies on the market.
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