The consequences of refusing the 2020 pension reform

Consequences of the refusal of the 2020 pension reform on the 3rd pillar

Following the foreseeable rejection of the pension reform following a popular vote, the importance of private pension provision will increase and the place of 3rd pillar A and B become important in calculating our pensions.

This type of 3rd pillar has no limit amount and can be in the form of periodic bonuses or single bonuses (invested capital). The duration is free. It is therefore used to carry out your projects over a period of time that you define.

Indeed, although the reform had no direct impact on the 3rd pillar, it is clear that the trend is towards a decrease in benefits from the LPP, or perhaps even from the AVS. With pension fund revenues decreasing, AHV stable and inflation that is not going to stop, there is clearly going to be an increasingly gaping gap.

Based on this observation, we have 2 possibilities available to us:

  • Engaging in a political fight with an uncertain outcome and leaving our future unclear or
  • Taking the lead and ensuring ourselves a future in which we are the actors

The 3rd pillar corresponds to people who opt for the second solution. Indeed, it is useless to depend on a political decision, especially since the 3rd pillar contains undeniable tax and inheritance advantages.

The initiative to start saving early on our end will leave us with options that may not be available in the future. Private pension provision gives access, for example, to early retirement, the purchase of home ownership or the choice of retirement capital. It is up to everyone to make their choice and to take responsibility.

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The first site for information and comparison on the 3rd pillar, provides you with information and advice on pension provision in Switzerland. We advise you on the best ways to improve your retirement, optimize your taxation and choose the best solution among the various companies on the market.
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